Night Driving Glasses | Enhance Visibility At Night

how to order

All our lenses include premium anti-glare. Our Anti-Glare Coating significantly increase
light transmittance and improve your vision at night.

Step 1 select a frame

Select a Frame

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step 2 add your prescription

Enter Your Prescription

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step 3 select office and blue light defense

Select a Lens Package

Customer reviews

Can't beat the price and quality

“Have been a user for several years. Ordering is straight forward. After cataract surgery, glasses largely used for night driving. Got a pair for 2 vehicles and evening TV viewing and still coming out ahead for locally pair of glasses. Great for parents of children loosing, scratching or breaking glasses.”

Robert C.Verified Buyer

Anti-Reflective Coatings

Premium Anti-Reflection

Included with every recommended package free of
charge, our premium, superhydrophobic AR coating, has
built-in UV protection, scratch resistance, and it is easier
to clean. Additionally, this coating reduces eyestrain
(compared with uncoated lenses) and objects appear
visually sharper.

Premium Anti-Reflection

Diamond Anti-Reflection

With increased durability to scratches and outstanding scores with any
anti-reflective properties, this is the best coating to date! We make
Diamond Armor coating from high-end metal oxides, formulated (by
Quantum Coatings Inc.) to create the ultimate glare and reflection
shield. All diamond coatings come with 2 years warrantee for cracking
and peeling.

Diamond Anti-Reflection

Transitions Drivewear

Transitions Drivewear lenses are the first photochromic
lenses to darken behind the windshield of a car, allowing
Drivewear to change color based on current driving
conditions in order to enhance the driver’s vision.

In addition, Drivewear lenses are polarized to block
blinding glare, another distinct advantage when driving
a car.

Video thumbnail

Our Night Driving Frames

Frequently Asked Questions

Night driving glasses with lenses that have the right protective coatings and glare filters can help drivers in several ways. The blue light filter will reduce blue light from street lights and headlights. An anti-glare coating will also reduce glare and limit a blindness effect of light from multiple bright sources around the driver. Anti-scratch, Easy-clean coatings helps maintain the lens integrity. This will help keep optimal light transmittance while driving at night.

When combined, it enables drivers to see more clearly at night. However, it’s worth noting that there is no perfect fix. Nighttime is darker and therefore with lower visibility regardless of the glasses the driver wears. This means there will always be a difference between driving at night and during the day, with more limitations on night driving.

Wearing high-quality night driving glasses with a lens package designed for maximizing light transmittance is a great start when trying to improve night vision. Be sure the lens package includes premium anti-reflective / anti-glare coating, scratch resistant and easy clean coating.

As well, turning off all internal car lights such as dome lights. Ask any passengers to reduce their device light output or to refrain from using devices, even in the backseat. If you have a device on for navigation, lower the screen backlight to reduce glare and do the same with dashboard lights.

Finally, be sure you are using the proper headlight setting on your car. You should always have your running lights on during the day. Turn your headlights on at or just before dusk. Only use your high beams or fog lights when they are useful. For example, high beams while driving in fog creates glare and less visibility, rather than helping the driver see better.

Yellow tinted lenses help generate more contrast. They do not help with reducing glare and if the lenses are too dark, they might even reduce visibility at night. Yellow tint combined with polarization, will help reduce glare and improve visual sharpness at night.

Absolutely. Perhaps the most significant improvement for those who have visual trouble while driving at night. Without it, light from lights like headlights, signage, and street lamps break inside the lens material and create glare. When you choose night driving glasses, you should make sure the lenses have premium anti-glare coating to help reduce the distracting light flares from bright lights.

Night driving glasses can be used by anyone whether they have a need for vison correction or not. There is not a specific prescription for seeing better in the dark. Instead, choose the right lens package to go with your existing prescription. Or choose a lens package without a prescription.

The human eye is not designed to see well in the dark. Some people may have more trouble than others. This can be caused by a myriad of reasons. The shape of your eyeball can be less conducive to diffusing bright light and make you more sensitive to glare. Your vision, particularly the cones and rods that assist with perceiving light, may not adapt as well to nighttime as they do to daytime light. Or you may be near or far-sighted, which can add to a sense of less visibility when trying to add low light conditions to the mix.

A good way to cope is to make sure you take extra precautions. Avoid driving at night, when possible. Wear night driving glasses when you do drive at night. Make safety a priority, such as driving a bit slower and being vigilant about driving while distraction-free.

Yes, blue light glasses can be a great choice for night driving. However, blue light filtering glasses are only part of the solution. For night driving, it’s also important to ensure the lens package you choose also has premium anti-glare, anti-scratch or a scratch-resistant coating, as well as an easy-clean coating that helps maintaining a lens cleanness. Combined, these options create a powerful tool to help make the drive a little safer.

It doesn’t hurt anything to wear night driving glasses during the day. In fact, sunglasses are already blue light blocking glasses. And when you are indoors, wearing blue light blocking glasses with premium anti-glare will help to reduce the blue light and glare you take in from artificial light and digital screens. This will protect you from blue light overexposure. Some people do decide to keep a pair of blue light blocking glasses for use while working on their computer or watching TV, while also keeping a pair of night driving glasses in the car specifically for the task of driving at night.

It’s not advisable to wear sunglasses or any dark tinted lenses at night, especially while driving. Even though they have a blue light blocking feature, they are also designed to dim light, rather than reduce glare. Night driving glasses specializes in maximizing light transmittance. Wearing glasses that will dim your ability to perceive light sources in already low-light conditions can be dangerous. For example, runners and bikers wear protective, light reflecting clothing so they are more likely to be seen by drivers. Night driving glasses will reduce glare, but keep those reflective signals visible. Sunglasses will simply dim those reflections altogether, making it dangerous for you and them.

Night vision only gets worse with age in the same way that vision tends to generally and naturally worsen for everyone as they age. Worsening night vision is generally a signal that overall vision may be worsening, not necessarily a sign that only night vision is getting worse.

It’s advisable that you discuss concerns like this with your ophthalmologist if you are concerned about worsening vision, whether it is in all driving scenarios or limited to nighttime driving. Your doctor may be able to pinpoint a developing eye-related change and make suggestions to help you strengthen your eyes or get a prescription to help with a developing, but manageable vision problem.