How Rare are Amber Eyes? An In-Depth Look

by , August 14, 2024

How Rare are Amber Eyes

Amber eyes are one of the rarest eye colors in the world and are captivating with their distinctive gold or copper hue. In contrast to a brown, blue, or green iris, an amber iris comes from a unique blend of yellow and copper-colored pigments called lipochrome. This rare eye color is found in a small percentage of the global population because of a unique genetic trait. The rarity and beauty of amber eyes have been celebrated in various cultures and myths, which has increased their mysterious appeal.

What are Amber Eyes?

Amber is a unique iris color with a golden, coppery, or yellow-brown hue. This distinctive coloration results from a higher concentration of the pigment lipochrome (also known as pheomelanin) combined with a lower concentration of melanin. Unlike more common eye colors such as brown, blue, or green, which result from varying amounts and distributions of melanin, the unique appearance of amber eyes is due to this blend of pigments. For those with amber eyes looking to enhance their unique eye color, exploring a range of stylish prescription glasses can help highlight their rare eye hue.

The Genetics Behind Amber Eyes

The exact genetics of amber eyes are complex and not fully understood, but they involve multiple genes that influence the amount and type of pigments produced in the iris. Genetics plays an important role in determining iris color, with up to 150 genes involved and two genes, OCA2 and HERC2, on chromosome 15, playing a significant role.

The inheritance of iris color is largely determined by two genes, EYCL1 (also called the gey gene) and EYCL3 (also called the bey2 gene). The gey gene has a green and blue allele, and the bey2 gene has a brown and blue allele. The brown allele is dominant over the green allele, and both are dominant over the blue allele, which is why brown eyes are most common.

What Causes Amber Eyes?

Amber eyes are caused by a combination of genetic factors that influence the pigments in the iris. A type of cell called a melanocyte produces melanin deposited in melanosomes. Variation in the number of melanosomes and the amount of pigment in each melanosome present in the anterior iris stroma determines one’s eye color. The type of pigment present also affects eye color.

The two main types of pigment found in the iris are eumelanin (brown to black pigment) and pheomelanin (red to yellow pigment). Eumelanin is present in the iris pigment epithelium, while eumelanin and pheomelanin are present in the iris stroma. Lipofuscin (yellow in appearance) can accumulate with age and/or ocular disease. Eumelanin is also present in the brain and hair and comes in a brown and black form. Pheomelanin is present in the iris, hair, and lips and comes in a red and yellow form. The relative presence of the different eumelanin and pheomelanin types determines hair and iris color.

While melanin is the dominant pigment in most eye colors, lipochrome is responsible for amber eyes' yellow and golden tones. This pigment is also present in green and hazel eyes, but it is predominant in amber eyes.

How is eye color determined?

Eye color is determined by the interaction of multiple genes that influence the amount and distribution of pigments in the iris, primarily melanin and lipochrome. Brown eyes, for instance, have a high concentration of melanin, while blue eyes have very little melanin. This allows light to scatter and create a blue appearance through a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Green and hazel eyes result from varying combinations of melanin and lipochrome.

How Rare are Amber Eyes?

Amber eyes are exceptionally rare, occurring in less than 5% of the world's population. Their rarity is influenced by genetic factors and is often more prevalent in certain ethnic groups, including those with East Asian, Spanish, South American, or South African ancestry.

Myths and Misconceptions About Amber Eyes

Amber eyes have been the subject of numerous myths and misconceptions throughout history. This rare eye color has been compared to the glow of precious stones or the warmth of autumn leaves and has inspired a variety of cultural beliefs and folklore. In some cultures, amber eyes are thought to possess mystical or supernatural qualities. People with this eye color have been believed to have heightened intuition, psychic abilities, or a special connection to the natural world. These myths have contributed to the enigma of amber eyes, making them a fascinating phenomenon.

  • One common misconception about amber eyes is that they are the same as hazel eyes. While both have similar gold tones, hazel eyes typically contain various colors, including green, brown, and amber. They can appear to change color under different lighting conditions or with wardrobe colors. In contrast, true amber eyes are more uniform, with a distinct yellow or copper hue that does not change. This distinction is often overlooked, leading to confusion and the incorrect labeling of iris colors.
  • Another myth is that amber eyes indicate a person's ancestry or ethnicity. While certain populations may have a higher prevalence of amber eyes, this eye color can appear in individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Genetics plays a complex role in determining eye color, and the appearance of amber eyes is influenced by multiple genes rather than a single ancestral origin. Amber eyes can be found across different populations worldwide.
  • Additionally, there is a misconception that amber eyes are more light-sensitive than other iris colors. While it is true that lighter-colored eyes, such as blue or green, generally have less melanin and can be more sensitive to bright light, amber eyes do not fall into this category. The pigment in amber eyes provides adequate protection against light sensitivity, like brown eyes. Therefore, individuals with amber eyes do not necessarily experience greater discomfort in bright environments or the sunny outdoors than those with other iris colors.

Famous People with Amber Eyes

Amber eyes are a notable feature among celebrities, actors, and models. Prominent figures such as Nicole Richie and Tyra Banks are known for their amber eyes, which contribute to their unique and memorable appearances on screen and in print. Their eyes have been highlighted in photographs and media, enhancing their appeal and setting them apart in the entertainment industry.


Amber eyes, with their rare and mesmerizing golden hues, are a unique characteristic in just 5% of the population. Resulting from a unique blend of lipochrome and melanin, amber eyes stand out for their warm, radiant appearance. Those with amber eyes often receive compliments and questions about their eye color, as it stands out in a world where brown, blue, and green eyes are more common.

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Courtney Dryer, OD, is a 2011 graduate of SCO from Charlotte, NC. She's the owner of Autarchic Spec Shop. She... "Read More"