How to choose the best glasses for a heart-shaped face?

How To Identify a Heart-Shaped Face?
If you’re looking at yourself and trying to decide what your face shape is for the first time, it can be a little confusing. The best place to begin is by standing in front of a mirror with your hair pulled back or out of the way.

Next, trace a heart along the outline of your face in the mirror to see whether your face fits the heart shape. Generally, a heart-shaped face will be widest at the forehead, narrowing toward the chin. You probably have high cheekbones. And as your face tapers to your chin, you’ll find your chin is the most narrow point on your face.
Some people have wide heart shapes. Others have very narrow heart shapes. You may even look like you have an upside-down triangle. Whatever version you have, there are many stylish frame options to choose from if you are a heart-shaped face.
Other face shapes to check for, if you feel like the heart-shape is quite right, include oval-shaped faces, round faces, triangle faces, square shapes, rectangle shapes, and diamond shapes.
Best Frame Shapes
Heart-shaped faces have many options to choose from when shopping for frames to help them look their best and brightest.
Generally, look for round or oval-shaped frames. They’ll help to balance and soften the sharp angles of your face.
It’s also a great idea to go with thin or lightly colored frames to avoid too much attention on the frames' angles and keep the attention on your face. For this reason aviator frames will fit great with a heart shaped face.
If your personal style means you want bright, colorful frames, then consider avoiding frames that are bottom-heavy, oversized, or have a lot of design elements that will make your face look busy on top of your natural angles. This is because you want to draw attention to the top of your face to balance the width.
You can also consider selecting frames that will be wider than your forehead to accentuate your heart-shaped face. Frames that are too narrow will look like they create an uncomfortable squeeze or give the illusion that you have beady, narrow, or close-set eyes.
Rimless style frames are considered especially flattering for heart-shaped faces. They allow the natural angles to be the dominant features without cutting off your face shape's natural flow.
Frames To Avoid
Just as there are frames you can choose that will best accentuate and compliment your natural features, there are also frames that may not be ideal. Heart-shapes are considered among the most versatile, but there are still a few shapes to avoid.
Remember that narrow frames will squeeze your face and look like you have close-set or even crossed eyes.
Drawing the gaze upward means avoiding bottom-heavy frames. Generally, you want to encourage people to look you in the eye while you talk, so drawing their attention upward will help.
Suppose you tend to wear a lot of make-up, particularly eye make-up, or you have heavily angled features. In that case, you might consider rimless glasses to help flatten or minimize distraction from your prominent features and stand-out eyes.
Very large oversized frames, such as aviators, will also enlarge a face that already has noticeable features.
It’s also worth noting that square frames can often add angles to an already angular face.
When shopping for the perfect frames, choose what feels best for you. Go with styles and colors that make you feel like you’re expressing yourself. However, if you’re looking for a starting place, remember to try on a variety of frames that are best suited for your face shape. And if you have a heart-shaped face, you have plenty of options, as this face shape is the most versatile.